Report Situation | Ethics Commitee | Jerónimo Martins

Report Your Situation

You’re welcome to submit your complaints, as well as requests for information, make suggestions, and even share compliments related to the Jerónimo Martins Group or its respective Companies.

To report your situation to the Ethics Commitee, click on the Start button and fill in the information requested in the following steps.


The Jerónimo Martins Group operates in three countries: Portugal, Poland and Colombia, under different Companies and business models.

Please select the country of the Company your report is related to.

Which Jerónimo Martins Group Company is your situation related to?


Select the option that best characterizes you

What kind of situation do you want to do?

What is the reason that best defines your complaint?


What type of situation would you like to report?

All situations reported for assessment by the Ethics Commitee must be submitted with all necessary information stated clearly and in detail, and supporting documentation should be attached, when relevant.

For example: the date of the occurrence, place,  service, among other information.

{{ $refs.wizard.descriptionCharsLeft }} characters left

Would you like to add attachments with your report?

You can upload up to five documents (.pdf, .doc or .docx format), images (.jpeg or .png format) or videos (.mp4, .mov, .wmv or .avi format). Each document cannot exceed the file size of 10 MB.

Upload files Documents may not exceed 10 MB each. Documents may only be of the file types stated above

{{ }}

{{ $refs.wizard.fileSizeFormater(attachment.size) }}

Contact details

Please indicate your name and your e-mail address.

Required field.
Invalid e-mail address. You have to fill, at least, the e-mail address.

Lorem Ipsum

Add an alternative time period Remove

Summary and Submission

Before submitting your report, please review it.


The Jerónimo Martins Group operates in three countries: Portugal, Poland and Colombia, under different Companies and business models.

Please select the country of the Company your report is related to.

{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.contextCountry }}

Which Jerónimo Martins Group Company is your situation related to?

To what Company does your situation refer?

{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.contextCompany }}


Select the option that best characterizes you

{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.backgroundUserCondition.title }}

What kind of situation do you want to do?

{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.backgroundTypes.title }}

What is the reason that best defines your complaint?

{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.backgroundComplaintReason.title }}


All situations reported for assessment by the Ethics Commitee must be submitted with all necessary information stated clearly and in detail, and supporting documentation should be attached, when relevant.

For example: the date of the occurrence, place,  service, among other information.

{{$refs.wizard.isSummaryTextAreaOpen ? 'fechar' : 'ver mais'}}

Would you like to add attachments with your report?

You can upload up to five documents (.pdf, .doc or .docx format), images (.jpeg or .png format) or videos (.mp4, .mov, .wmv or .avi format). Each document cannot exceed the file size of 10 MB.

{{ }}

{{ $refs.wizard.fileSizeFormater(attachment.size) }}

Contact details


{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.contactName }}

Optional field - Not filled


{{ summaryProp.selectedChoices.contactEmail }}

Your situation was reported successfully.

We confirm the reception of your situation report, which has been recorded with {{$refs.wizard.expReference}}.

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What kind of situation do you want to do?